How to stay hydrated
Water is essential for good health as it contributes to the maintenance of physical and cognitive functions, and helps to regulate your body’s temperature.
The human body is two-thirds water, so keeping hydrated makes a big difference! Our blood is about 90% water, which means water helps deliver oxygen and nutrients around the body. Being dehydrated can cause blood to become thicker, which may increase blood pressure. Water also plays a role in flushing toxins and waste from the body and helps dissolve minerals and nutrients, making it invaluable to our kidneys.
A less obvious way the body uses water is to lubricate joints and eyes as well as keeping our brains working well. When our water levels are low, it can cause headaches, dizziness and loss of concentration. The best and simplest way to check for dehydration is the colour of your urine: the lighter and clearer the better.
Over the long term, dehydration can cause constipation and urinary tract infections.
Getting enough
Happily, getting enough water is as simple as… drinking water! Tap water and bottled water, whether still or sparkling, are excellent ways to meet your needs.
Even though they make you need to urinate more often, tea and coffee will give you more water than you will lose. Soft drinks, milk and fruit juices also count while fruit and vegetables such as cucumber and tomatoes can give you as much as a third of your water needs.
How much water you need will vary depending on the weather, your activity and age. About six to eight glasses of liquids a day will usually be enough. Athletes and people who are getting more than the normal amount of exercise may benefit from sports drinks (not the same as energy drinks).
More water will be needed in warm weather as you lose water through sweat. Similarly, vomiting and diarrhoea will increase the need for fluids.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women will also need more water. Elderly people may also benefit from increasing the amount of water and fluids they take, especially as some medications are affected by hydration levels.
If plain water isn’t to your taste, try adding slices of lemon, orange or lime for extra flavour. For the inner mixologist, why not try experimenting with herbs and spices like mint and ginger?
Develop a good drinking habit
For best effect, drink water regularly. By the time you feel thirsty, dehydration has already started. Perhaps make a habit of having a glass of water at regular times to make sure you are hydrated and in top form.
We are creatures of habit so by making it routine to have a drink of water at particular times, such as before a meal, we can start to get more water into our bodies. Any increase in your water consumption is going to be of benefit – and you can start right now by pouring yourself a glass of water.
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*Berocca Boost contains caffeine which helps improve alertness and concentration. Do not exceed 400mg of caffeine per day. Not suitable for those pregnant or breastfeeding.